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Aerosmith - The Hop

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Aerosmith - The Hop Empty Aerosmith - The Hop

Mensaje  Morgana Dom Mar 16, 2008 12:01 pm


Me, I got a brand new babe
You know that something just ain't right
I say yeah, yeah
Can't stop rockin' tonight.

Hangin' at the shopping mall
With a watchman full of sash
Leave your smile outside the door
'Cause the kids be kickin' ass
My old boot heels be smokin'
You really got to understand
We're burning down the town tonight
A when the new shit hits the fan.

And me, I got a brand new baby
You know something just ain't right
I say yeah, yeah.
Can't stop rockin' tonight
Yeah yeah
Can't stop rockin' tonight.

Layin' on her back tonight
To watch the moon eclipse
Baby eatin' out tonight
But I just ain't leavin' tips.


Cantidad de envíos : 110
Fecha de inscripción : 15/03/2008


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